Wednesday, June 25, 2008

kids say the darndest things!

You know you've watched one too many Design show reveals when your two year old starts to imitate the homeowners reactions. I often watch HGTV's Design on a Dime while nursing and Reagan has come to love it. In fact most mornings I have this conversation:
Reagan, "Nemo?"
Mommy, "No Nemo baby"
Reagan, "Dine?"
Mommy, "you want to watch Design on a Dime?"
Reagan, (quite enthusiastically) "Yeeeeeaaaah!"
So the other evening Brock and I heard her saying something...we asked each other, did she just say that? Finally we figured out what she was saying and we told her to stop. A little while later I caught her on tape "talking on the phone" saying it again: (cute video at the end of Samuel too)

Another funny story, after dinner one night we were having some of those awesome Mother's Cookies, the Oatmeal one's with the icing on top...yummy! Well, needless to say Reagan looooves "coookeeeth" (that's cookies in 2 year old). I was on the couch and Brock was in the office and we had given Reagan half of a cookie. She came and asked me for more,
Reagan, "Mer cookeeth?"
Mommy, "no more cookies tonight"
Reagan, "deez, mer?" (please, more)
Mommy, "no baby, no more cookies"
then, she started tiptoeing away slowly while looking at me.
Mommy, "don't be sneaky and try to get some from Daddy"
Reagan, with her arm stretched out and palm open as if to say, I got it mom, and nodding, "Daddy"
She walked into the office and went to Brock (who had the cookies),
Reagan, "Mer cookeeth"
Daddy, "No, no more cookies"
Reagan, "Mommy"
Daddy, "Mommy said you could have more?"
Reagan, "Yeah, mommy......two"
Daddy, "Mommy said you could have two cookies?"
Reagan, "yeah" with a HUGE smile on her face.
Deception is starting to be practiced...

(note: had to remove the music from this site since there are and will be videos posted that require undivided attention.)


Bogart said...

We don't call homeless people "Shelter Challenged"...when did we start calling lying, deception? :-)

Unknown said...

Brock and have beautiful good to see that things are well with you!!! Email me and lets catch up!

Bethany said...

...and it really wasn't a LIE, it was just stretching the truth! (Tell her to be careful of stretch marks -- because that was a BIG stretch.) I'm excited about your new year's (June?) resolution to post once a week. I know that when you sit down to the computer, that is PRECIOUS time -- I am so grateful for every second you give to posting!!!

Ken and Judy Davis said...

Precious! Thank you for removing some of the miles between us with these updates!